
In high school I pursued a strong interest in architecture. Thanks to my teacher, Mr. Molinari, I was able to gain advanced proficency in Revit, a 3D Modeling CAD software. These are some buildings I designed.
For a while in my college application process, I had The University of Virginia as my top choice. I figured I would use my architecture skills to demonstrate my interest by designing a building based off one of theirs. Cocke hall is an academic building on the main quad of UVA. This project invloved designing of detailed components which I used for the doors, columns, and sweeps. I also did some basic landscaping. This project was rendered to an extremely high quality.
I worked on this building primarily from my chromebook since it was done during online school. The Knickerbocker Club is an old-money social club on central park in Manhattan. I love its style, so I designed this building based off of it.
After a successful first year with SkillsUSA, I was eager to compete in 2022. This was my first in-person SkillUSA competition. I was dissapointed that this prompt was very boring. In fact it was the same prompt which was given a few years before, so I had practiced with it before. Most people found it difficult to fit all the required views onto the proper size sheet, and I think I was the only one to properly include all deliverables on the right sheet. I was happy to win again.
After winning SkillsUSA 'Architectural Drafting' for Illinois, I was given the option to advance to nationals. This was an 8 hour competition held virtually against the winners from other states. I had lots of fun working on this. It essentially was a project which would take 2 months in class which we were told to finish in a day. There was a solid amount of creative leeway, so I exercised that. I had the best floor plan and elavations among competitors, but roof plan and site plan were lacking. I placed 3rd.
In 2020 SkillsUSA had been canceled, so 2021 was my first time competing. I competed in the category 'Architectural Drafting.' We were given an unorthadox prompt, to design a trailer home with certain spesifications. Since we had only ever practiced designing larger buildings, this was unique. I had so much fun working on this 3 hour design challenge that I wrote about it for my college Common App essay.
After doing well enough at a qualifying competition- where I lost the file I submitted- I went to state for IDEA (Illinois Drafting Educators Association) in '3D Architectural Modeling'. IDEA is typically more competitive than SkillsUSA. The prompt was for garage with a studio above. As you'll see on the sheet, the 3D views are different. In the last second I realized the exterior front wall of the second wall was supposed to be a different color, but I didn't do it correctly.
This is an example of some of the work I did to practice for the SkillsUSA architectural drafting competition.
My senior year I wanted to work on some more exotic projects. I spent some time designing skyscrapers. This is the first one I designed.