
This is the stuff which didn't fit in any category. Many of these are partially finished or not totally easy to be understood. The college applications especially is somewhere you can find a lot about me.
This is a document I began in November of 2021 and finished in Febuary of 2022. Its name explains its contents. I write any ideas I have while at my computer and save any cool websites I find.
When the first Random Notes got too long, I created a second. Same idea.
This is the third iteration after the second one got too long. This is an in-progress document, so it is regularly updated with new notes.
When I applied to colleges in late 2021 and early 2022, I used this document to gauge my interest and track my progress. First I conducted the research which is shown on the right. I preffered quantitiative metrics for schools. I used this NYTimes site most regularly for my research. I did not apply to the colleges which are grey in the second column. I am happy to have been accepted to Babson college, but I would have loved to gone to a top 20 school if my grades were better. All my high school grades are also on this spreadsheet.
i made this document becuase I am curious about super rich people. I wanted to see what industries they tend to come from, and I wanted to take some notes on their background. As you'll see, I only got notes on a few. I plan to automate this research sometime, so I can collect data more efficently.