
I really like to write. I think it is the best way to express ones thoughts. Some of this writing is stuff that I was assigned to do in school and others are personal pursuits. I take assigned writing seriously, and write honestly, not just for the grade.
This is a super long essay I wrote in a single day after being a bit frusturated over some random Twitter comments. Essentially I argue that based on hard facts, the USA is uniquely strong in many attributes- more so than any other country. Kind of like 'The USA is the most important country' and that that is a good thing.
While collecting sites for Ravidat.com I stumbled upon Ithkuil.net. Ithkuil is a contructed language which intends to maximize efficency of epistemology. I wish I was smart enough to understand it more thoroughly. I wrote something about it since I was so intrigued
I am happy with this essay. It took a long time to strike a proper balance between what admissions would be receptive to and what was honest from me. I think the story part of this essay well describes what I like to do, and the conclusion is a good explination of my life struggle to find satisfactory things to do.